Relaxing Tunes

Friday, October 9, 2009

Almost 2 month update...

This one here... an honest update... whether progress is fast or slow, I know the constant term is PROGRESS. I am making progress... here's why.

About 3 weeks ago, I started working as a volunteer  at this school teaching dance (my passion) at this at-risk high school after school program. I have been avoiding roles of leadership ALL of my life. Fear and self doubt had taken over my life dramatically in different areas. I am so glad to say that I am HAPPY. I am not only stepping outside of my comfort zone, I am a mentor for these kids. I have found my voice where it normally would silence itself in front of large groups of people. I am gaining self confidence in so many ways. At first I was terrified, but that little voice inside has become more and more quiet. This program and this new role is changing my life! I just want to THANK Morry for creating such a WONDERFUL program. I am literally crying as I type this because that little voice was stunting my personal growth. I had been a slave to it. While there are still kinks that need to be worked out (and they will be), I would say that I am overall extremely pleased with the program. Thank you so much Morry and I don't even know how to repay you! You have literally saved my life. There is definitely a light at the end of the tunnel. Just walking toward it in faith.

The job has offered to pay me as of Thursday!!!

Here is the full description of The Quantum Mind Power System

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