Relaxing Tunes

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Baby Shower and Old Friends

So, as you already know, anxiety and shyness has been a problem for me...

However, I went to a friends baby shower and had a BALL.. not because we were dancing and blah blah blah.... but I saw old friends that I hadn't seen in a LONG time. Sometimes while someone is talking to me, I have these voices in my head that distract me from what they are saying and changes my overall mood. It can happen in the beginning, during the middle, and rarely at the end of a conversation. It NEVER fails to make the situation awkward. I am an INFP trying to change my life. Its funny how most INFP's are not happy with the way they are. But any who, I had an excellent time... I was just getting to know what was going on in their lives and I felt great. One friend of mine is a celebrity stylist going to move to LA in a couple of months, and another friend of mine is happily single, making her own way. She has a car, apartment and everything. I was mostly inspired by those two. Definitely inspired by the first one because she wants to get a tattoo that says "Fearless"... Oh how I LOVE that. But as I was saying, my anxiety levels were pretty much ZERO, and I had a GREAT time. This program is making positive changes in my life. I notice cumulative changes are definitely more important than the sudden changes...

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