Relaxing Tunes

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Just like an INFP LOL

This is just like an INFP huh lol procrastinating til god knows when... Well look... HAPPY 2010! I just moved in a downstairs apartment so my schedule has completely FELL OFF! But I am returning to it tonight :) Got an extra long pair of headphones to stretch to the bed from the computer so Im good :) Anyway UPDATE TIME: I have been working at the school as a dance teacher, and that has been going pretty well... The very beginning I can credit to Quantum Mind Power and the rest I can credit to myself. I have stopped listening to the recordings and my negative mind chatter has been GETTING ON MY NERVES. Its not as bad as it was, but its still there. I still have the need to please folks and THAT is a big mistake that a leader should not make. That is why I need to continue on with the recordings so that I can reap these long term benefits. I would like to obtain more leadership roles, but if I am coming off as a "weak" individual, I will be extremely unhappy with myself. My subconscious STILL needs a lot of work.  Being nice to please others aint cutting it! But I am gonna continue with my daily meditation because I am also going through a BAD breakup. I need to find my own strength which has been really hard to do especially when you have depended on that individual for that extra emotional support. It was abused and now I'm taking it back. So I just need to go through the motions and just learn how to love myself without anyone's approval. The same unconditional love that I can show for others, I need to shopw for myself. Oh and another thing. IM GOING CELIBATE! yes......... Celibate lol Sex can cloud ones judgment boy! So I just need to take that element out of my life for awhile and develop my spiritual self some more. This self esteem is going to have to increase first! LOL Its definitely harder than it sounds. I just dont want to make the same mistakes. When I am actually ready for a relationship, I want to be a WHOLE person. Not half. But anywho, This is my update for now, I have fell off and it has not done ANY justice!!!!! I miss feeling at peace and centered lol But its a new year, and Im destined to continue to do great things! Sticking to QMP is part of the plan!! I have the Koi Karp Lake Guided Meditation (QMP) and I'm going to listen to that tonight. I will update tomorrow! Here are the benefits of Koi Karp Lake. Laterz!

The Koi Carp Lake with TMM guided meditation is also known as “the best friend” and the easiest way to describe it is as a bridge between your subconscious and conscious mind.

It provides a link that allows for a safe two-way communication between your conscious and unconscious mind.

There are times when we need to access the database of our accumulated learning that we all have stored in our minds. Often however we don’t know how to access the various facts and details that we need in order to help ourselves in the now.

It is an actual fact that most people are even unaware that they have this storehouse of information and knowledge available to them.

There are times in our lives when we have certain issues or problems that can require some form of skilled assistance.  Sometimes we have a need to bounce ideas around or ask questions and have them explained to us. 

Often there isn’t anyone suitable around who can help us.

We could try looking for professional help, but how do we know which discipline to choose and what kind of help would be the most applicable to our particular circumstance.  The bottom line is we need a friend, a best friend who is totally trustworthy and who can keep our secrets if you will, and who in fact knows us as well as we know ourselves.

We are indeed fortunate to have such a person available to us at all times and in all situations.  This person believe it or not is yourself.

This meditation is completely safe, and by following the steps and the guidance within it, you may utilize a process called fractionation in order to help you build a gorgeous bridge between your subconscious and conscious mind which allows for a wonderfully effective two-way communication link.

All of the resources that you need are stored in your neurons, in your brain, in your mind, all that is needed is for your imagination to be given the guidance that it needs in order to help put it all together.

The first time you do this meditation you build and you learn, subsequent events allow you to expand your consciousness and abilities so as to enjoy and have a much more fulfilled life.

During this meditation you will discover another person with whom you may interact.  If the figure generated by your subconscious turns out to be an actual authority figure in your life like a parent, spouse, or another, simply ask this figure to please go now, and send someone else for you to relate with.  This person will happily go and provide you with someone new so that you have no preconceived notions or responses which may hinder your travels to your new levels of enlightenment, happiness and joy.

Please remember that it is not necessary for you to speak with the person that you meet at the lake.  Feel free to simply sit and enjoy the scene together and each time you go to the lake the same friend will be waiting for you, to interact with them, or not as you require, as you wish.

Sometimes, the answers to a question may be less than direct and you will need to think about the response and mull it over in your mind, in other cases the answer to your question will be clear concise and immediate.

You will find that you get what you need, when you need it.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Fallen off, Temporarily.

I have Temporarily fallen off of my schedule due to my family moving. I REALLY need to put these disks on CD. But I'll be back on it tonight. Life has been great.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

So I am a dance teacher at this High School...

So I am a dance teacher at this after school program in this high school for at-risk students.

NEVER in a MILLION years... thats why its not good to say never... did I think I would be a leader of some sort speaking comfortably in front of a group of people. When I say it was bad as far as me being in front of groups, it was BAD. I used to avoid these types of situations and it was progressively getting worse. I don't remember being THIS bad in high school, but after I graduated college, it had gotten worse.... weird huh?? But I am happy with doing what I am doing.

I am open to criticism... whoa... we (INFP's) HATE criticism lol But I have been very receptive. I am always looking for ways to improve my leadership skills. Man I am proud of myself! Even though its not a high paying job, yet, but it is benefitting my life in so many ways. Its allowing me to grow. I've been stagnant for awhile due to my avoidant personality. Stepping outside of the box isnt easy, but once you've done it, its not as bad as one would think! I absolutely love it so far. Theres no other way you can improve yourself if you've been constantly repeating the same habits.

I've had my vision board up for a couple of months and many of the things on there have come true such as: Having faith in Self, Getting Quantum Mind Power (Thanks again Morry!), Peace (with myself), Giving back, To Inspire, Daring to be different, growing spiritually, connecting better with others and Not following the herd. Things that have not come true YET, but will: is getting a job *well maybe it did...* still searching though... getting my own place, making $4,000 in 1 month, money, developing my business plan....

It seems more of the materialistic things haven't come true yet, but they WILL... As far as the things that mean the most to me, they already have and I am progressing with each! But anywho... I am a happier person in general... money will soon come! Fear is slowly but surely no longer becoming a ruling factor in my life.


Baby Shower and Old Friends

So, as you already know, anxiety and shyness has been a problem for me...

However, I went to a friends baby shower and had a BALL.. not because we were dancing and blah blah blah.... but I saw old friends that I hadn't seen in a LONG time. Sometimes while someone is talking to me, I have these voices in my head that distract me from what they are saying and changes my overall mood. It can happen in the beginning, during the middle, and rarely at the end of a conversation. It NEVER fails to make the situation awkward. I am an INFP trying to change my life. Its funny how most INFP's are not happy with the way they are. But any who, I had an excellent time... I was just getting to know what was going on in their lives and I felt great. One friend of mine is a celebrity stylist going to move to LA in a couple of months, and another friend of mine is happily single, making her own way. She has a car, apartment and everything. I was mostly inspired by those two. Definitely inspired by the first one because she wants to get a tattoo that says "Fearless"... Oh how I LOVE that. But as I was saying, my anxiety levels were pretty much ZERO, and I had a GREAT time. This program is making positive changes in my life. I notice cumulative changes are definitely more important than the sudden changes...

Friday, October 9, 2009

Almost 2 month update...

This one here... an honest update... whether progress is fast or slow, I know the constant term is PROGRESS. I am making progress... here's why.

About 3 weeks ago, I started working as a volunteer  at this school teaching dance (my passion) at this at-risk high school after school program. I have been avoiding roles of leadership ALL of my life. Fear and self doubt had taken over my life dramatically in different areas. I am so glad to say that I am HAPPY. I am not only stepping outside of my comfort zone, I am a mentor for these kids. I have found my voice where it normally would silence itself in front of large groups of people. I am gaining self confidence in so many ways. At first I was terrified, but that little voice inside has become more and more quiet. This program and this new role is changing my life! I just want to THANK Morry for creating such a WONDERFUL program. I am literally crying as I type this because that little voice was stunting my personal growth. I had been a slave to it. While there are still kinks that need to be worked out (and they will be), I would say that I am overall extremely pleased with the program. Thank you so much Morry and I don't even know how to repay you! You have literally saved my life. There is definitely a light at the end of the tunnel. Just walking toward it in faith.

The job has offered to pay me as of Thursday!!!

Here is the full description of The Quantum Mind Power System

Monday, September 14, 2009


Today was cool... Very nice day. I used Neural Synergy and Whole Brain Gratitude Last Night, and for some reason couldn't fall asleep during Neural Synergy.  I fell asleep during the Whole Brain Gratitude. I woke up early, listened to Quantum Confidence Lite and the Self Confidence Triliminal. That combination seemed to work very well. So I am just tweaking my schedule one last time to fit the Emotive Hypnosis and Whole Brain Gratitude. Overall had a full busy day, but I feel subtle changes. Positive ones. I don't want too say much yet. But eye contact and anxiety is definitely slowly but surely getting better.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Week 4 Update

Well, week 4... Well I made a month!!! YAAAY... the longest I have kept up with ANY self improvement program lol! But, again I cannot list any DRASTIC changes so far. Minor changes, my eye contact is getting better in general. I am also not as nervous as I was previously. I still need some major tweaking, but I am confident I will get there. I want to find a way to put Whole Brain Gratitude and Emotive Hypnosis in my schedule, because I do enjoy those tracks as well. Umm... what else.... I have about 3 interviews this upcoming week, so I am hoping wishing and praying that some money will come to me and I will ACE my interviews. Wish me luck!! I have become consistent with the program and I am very happy about that... So heres to discipline, change, and Week 5!!!
