Relaxing Tunes

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Following the herd is a sure way to mediocrity. Patti Wilson

When I die, I want to people to think of me as one of a kind... not boring and he he he sweet. I am a leader... and I am funny sweet silly, unique, creative, and eclectic... I really am... I just want to share that with others... Do I Dare to be Different? I need to start living my OWN life... and not the life of others...

Do you dare to be different?

This question might not be easy to answer, but how you answer it will make the difference between excellence and mediocrity.

Here are some more specific questions to help you check yourself and take actions:

1. Do you have a dream?

This is the first question you should ask yourself. I believe one of the main reasons people just follow the herd is they don’t have a dream. If there is nothing to pursue then why bother being different?

But a dream is what sets you above the average. Not having a dream means going to mediocrity on autopilot.

If your answer for this first question is “no” then start searching. I’m sure you have a dream deep inside of you. It might be something from your childhood. Maybe for long time you have been too busy to let the little voice of your dream be heard. This is the right time to heed that little voice.

If you have found your dream, the next question is whether or not you have the courage to follow it. Questions two through five will deal with that.

2. Are you doing what you want or what youshould?

There are often implicit “rules” about what someone should do in a particular situation. For example, when there are two job opportunities, the “rule” says that you should take the one with higher pay.

But is that what you want? I mean, does it help you achieve your dream? Maybe the job with less pay will help you achieve your dream while the one with higher pay doesn’t. Do you have the courage to be different and follow your dream?

3. Do you worry more about being loved thanbeing what you love?

Another reason why we don’t dare to be different is because we are trying to meet other people’s expectations. We often worry more about what other people say than about what matters to us. But living someone else’s life is a bad way to live your life. Why should you lose opportunity just because of what other people say?

4. Do you choose what is safe rather than what is right?

Maybe you are not trying to meet other people’s expectation. Maybe you just don’t want to take risks and therefore you choose to play safe. But this is exactlywhat many old people regret. When they were asked in a study about what they regretted most and what they would do differently, most of them answered: “I wish I had risked more.” Don’t let the same regret happen to you.

5. If you had only six months left to live, would you do what you are doing now?

You can only answer “yes” to this question if what you are doing matters to you. Doing what matters to you is a sure way to excellence since you will do it with all your heart. But you need the courage to be different and follow your heart. Do you have it? I hope your answer is yes. Life is too precious to be lived in mediocrity.


The Post Below Me...

I put the post up below me because that is my MAJOR problem.... caring about what others think of me. I put up a youtube video and I was TERRIFIED about how others would judge me.... But its like, the things that I have been doing recently havent been working... such as shutting myself out... and being on auto pilot aka, people pleasing mode. Im a good person so, why do I care? I need to have this mindset more often.... my life would be MUCH more exciting... But anyway, thats why Im doing this.... Quantum Mind Power was good to me today and yesterday... Less tense than usual... so i'll keep it going... I did wake up in a GREAT mood today. I AM WONDERFUL!!!! NO DOUBT ABOUT THAT... I GENUINELY WANT TO HELP PEOPLE! I just want to be more approachable and less afraid...

How Not to care about what others think of you (WikiHow)

Do you ever feel like you're trying too hard to get people's approval? Do you wish that you could just turn off your effort to please people? Do you say you're going to do something you love, but it always ends up as just another thought you never pursue?


  1. Figure out what you want to do, (eg. Audition for the school play)and what people's reactions to it will be. If it's a reaction you don't agree with, or is trying to get you to not do whatever you want to do, that isn't right.
  2. Think "Why do I care so much about what this person thinks of me?" If you want to do something, you should do it!!
  3. Whatever reason you care about what they think with you, turn it off. It should be as easy as that. If you are experiencing some difficulty, or it isn't as easy as I think, think of all the reasons why you shouldn't care what they think. (eg... they don't really even know you, if they don't like something about you, they're just going to have to deal with it or they're not really your friends, this is who you are, you like being funny or smart or whatever characteristics you have, etc...)
  4. Know that if that hasn't worked, or you would like to put your stoicism to the test, just go out and try doing whatever you want to do. This is the best solution, and I know it's hard, but this is what life is about, isn't it? Doing the things you love? If you won't do it now, when will you? It's time to stop being afraid and show people who you are!! Stop letting life pass you by doing nothing!
  5. Dress how you want, nobody should tell you how to do that. Unless you are planning on wearing yellow tights and underwear on top with no shirt.
  6. Listen to whatever music you want. Music is a big label with young people these days, and if you listen to what you want, then who cares? Music is music.
  7. Be happy, knowing you are more confident in yourself, and free to do whatever else it is you like doing, without being trapped in the cage called "peer pressure".


  • Remember, judging people isn't good. People who judge people are very narrow-minded. So why care about what judgmental people think of you?
  • Also, people can think what they want. People who think in a judging way don't just judge one person, they probably judge everyone in some way. It's not your problem if someone judges you. It's theirs.
  • Also, remember, that you are not the only one that might be afraid of what others think of you. There are loads of people, who mostly think about themselves, and just...don't care about you.
  • If people try to put you down, ignore them. Make comments in your mind to yourself to perk you up. Don't look like you notice them, either, or they'll know you're afraid.


  • By being yourself, you will get a lot of people who are either jealous, or genuinely think you're stupid, which is why it's important to not care what others think of you in the first place. So you can be yourself and not worry about...well, what anyone else thinks.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day 6 of Quantum Confidence

Today I feel much better, Just calm... More friendly.... Anxiety levels were lower... Im feeling good. Enjoying my day, looking good. I had to buy a new headwrap beause I tired of looking like a lil hoodrat lol I live in the hood so dudes get the wrong impression when you dress a certain way.... thats just life in general. So I bought a white headwrap and Im just looking like myself again... like 20 something year old educated Sade. My Nubian self. Cowrie shells and all lol I thought about getting a Tattoo of the word Nubian on my back... Not the middle, but toward the side. I'll get that when I get a job.... and a nosering. Just looking forward to better days while using this program.... can't wait. Overall, I gotta say-- it was a good day :)

Day 5 still... had no access to Quantum Confidence


So, today was just freaking dreadful almost and I feel like it was because I didnt use the Quantum Confidence. My SO's Ipod wouldnt download the mp3 and so I couldnt listen to it. I was over at his house today. So my anxiety levels were up today and I just felt so uncomfortable. One reason was becasue I just was trying to do something as simple as take my son out to ride his bike and I just had guys just constantly in my face while I was with my son... I think thats so disrespectful and it bothered me even more today for some reason. One guy was damn near desperate... I was by the park, Lincoln Terrace Park, and he was behind the gate with his shirt off really trying to get my attention. He kept following my son and I back and forth as he was riding his bike. He looked about late thirties early fourties. Thinking that just because he had muscles he was doing something... Absolutely not. Ugh! Anyway.... Im just highly annoyed today....

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Day 5

10:46 am

I would say that its day 5 since I have started using Quantum Confidence and today seems a bit different. I would say so because on Days 1-4, I have been tired and drowsy, but today I feel GOOD. I feel very calm for some reason. Maybe its starting to work, but I dont want to credit the program JUST yet. I just feel so good though. Like everything around me is just happening and Im just ok with it. The sunshine is magnified and I am just enjoying little things such as a walk to the train station. Im on the train and my anxiety levels are lower than normal. Well... we shall see.


Well the day has gone by and It hasnt gone as good as I would have liked it to, due to the fact that there are these people messing with my little brother (19) and I just was extra mad today. I became mad at females. For NO reason. For example, there was this girl that was looking at me today on the train and I became highly annoyed, I don't even know why. It could have been a good thing, or it could have been a bad thing, but I automatically saw it as bad. So I kept on looking at her like, what the hell are you looking at. I mean like pissed lol It seems so dumb now. But I just seemed extra mad at women today. Dont know what thats about. My day became bad though like I said because of the situation with my lil brother. I would beat someones ass today, as mad as I was about my brother.I hope tomorrow is better.


Hey, this blog is dedicated to meditation and finding my own personal happiness and oneness. I will talk about a program (free version) that I have been using for about a week called Quantum Mind Power. The free Program that I am using is called Quantum Confidence Lite. Here I will be documenting any changes or improvements and any effects it may or may not have on me. The program was made by a man named Morry Zelcovitch which he calls this program "The Morry Method." Its a Brainwave Entrainment program than can trigger different brainwaves such as the alpha, beta, theta, delta waves which will aid in reprogramming the way we think and react to things. I hope I explained it right.

Why do I need this? Well I have been suffering from shyness for a long time. Its cute when your a kid, but not so much as an adult. My brain sometimes has an automatic reaction to certain situations which causes me to not be present. I become overly critical of myself and unsure of myself. I have been very unhappy lately and I just want to change. So I will be using the free version of this program until I can purchase the full. I just used it today and have been doing so for the past 5 days and I will later describe how it has been affecting me lately. I am in no way affiliated with this company, so I will give you my personal results.