Relaxing Tunes

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Day 5

10:46 am

I would say that its day 5 since I have started using Quantum Confidence and today seems a bit different. I would say so because on Days 1-4, I have been tired and drowsy, but today I feel GOOD. I feel very calm for some reason. Maybe its starting to work, but I dont want to credit the program JUST yet. I just feel so good though. Like everything around me is just happening and Im just ok with it. The sunshine is magnified and I am just enjoying little things such as a walk to the train station. Im on the train and my anxiety levels are lower than normal. Well... we shall see.


Well the day has gone by and It hasnt gone as good as I would have liked it to, due to the fact that there are these people messing with my little brother (19) and I just was extra mad today. I became mad at females. For NO reason. For example, there was this girl that was looking at me today on the train and I became highly annoyed, I don't even know why. It could have been a good thing, or it could have been a bad thing, but I automatically saw it as bad. So I kept on looking at her like, what the hell are you looking at. I mean like pissed lol It seems so dumb now. But I just seemed extra mad at women today. Dont know what thats about. My day became bad though like I said because of the situation with my lil brother. I would beat someones ass today, as mad as I was about my brother.I hope tomorrow is better.

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