Relaxing Tunes

Thursday, August 27, 2009

So let me explain how I felt yesterday...

Yesterday I used Neural Synergy, along with Emotive Brainwave Hypnosis.

This combination was excellent. I felt happy throughout the day and my anxiety levels were down a lot. Sometimes in different situations when I go outside, my anxiety increases a lot. For example, I live in Brownsville section Brooklyn.... basically the hood. My family moved back to Brownsville after being in Prospect Heights for 10 years because of my crazy landlord. The first nine years of my life I lived in Brownsville, it was great, I loved it. But now, Brownsville isn't what it used to be. It got worse. Anywho, since I graduated from college and returned home, I have been OK with living here, but the guys are.... hungry WOLVES... and thats putting it lightly. Over here, you can't tell a guy a simple HELLO with out him trying to follow you and talk to you. Then if you hurt their ego in a subtle manner, they will curse you out. I have no time to be arguing with losers. So thats where the avoidant side of me comes in. I avoid eye contact, and all of that because they use that as an invitation to try to get to know you. I have a son and a SO and I am very happy. Besides you don't approach a woman with her son the way you would approach these fast chicks around here.... not everyone is the same. Anywho, one time I went to the park with my son so that he could ride his bike, (I didn't actually go IN the park, but I let him ride down a long strip of sidewalk next to the park) and I was HARASSED like crazy by guys INSIDE the park! My anxiety levels were all over the place... I was so pissed because I can't enjoy my time with my son without some knucklehead bothering us. So I vowed to not go to that park by myself...

Fast forwarding to yesterday, I went back to the same park with my sister, my son, and my baby cousin. Actually INSIDE this time. I enjoyed myself! It was a nice park with a nice playground and perfect for them to play in. My overall mood was happy despite the potential of crazies harassing me and my sister. I just didn't care, I was gonna enjoy this moment regardless of what. And I did. I didn't feel a bit of anxiety either.

The night before, I had to watch my baby cousin because his mother decided she was stressed out and just suddenly left. She just had a baby the day before. I normally would have had a fit. But I was ok with it, and my time wasn't spent on "When is she coming back?" rather than playing and enjoying the kids. Which I really did. Thats Quantum Mind Power working, and I know it because I would consider myself selfish... I don't like watching other people's kids because mine is a handful in itself. But I had a great time with the kids, gave both of them baths, fed both of them, when one was outta line, I made sure I put them back in check. So, it was cool. But I did it through a new lens. Im still a fairly new mom even though my son is three because I went away to finish school with no distractions while my mom watched him. So here I am a new full time mom after three years. I was full time before I left, but I left him when he was 3 months, and now he's three.... now that I look back, thats a lot of time to be away from your child. But here I am now, and I finished college. Our bond is tighter than ever. So being new to this mom thing, and babysitting someone else's child usually would overwhelm me. I would just complain. But not one time did I feel that way. Thats definitely the power of QMP.

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