Relaxing Tunes

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Yesterday officially started day one of my challenge. I used Schumann Resonance, followed by the Self Esteem Triliminal. I don't know if I can credit this program JUST yet, but I went out with my aunt and cousins yesterday.... for some reason I tend to feel uncomfortable around those who are not my immediate family unless they are completely outgoing and talk so much to the point where I feel comfortable enough to just be myself and not go into my shell (Cousin Deborah, Cousin Jamilah, Cousin Nick etc,.). I get great vibes from my Auntee Zee, so it just puzzles me when I tend to go in my shell around her. Sometimes my mom can play as a bridge (comfort zone) and I can have a great time when its me and someone else. BUT I went to the park with my Auntee Zee and my little cousins, my little (only by definition) sister, my son, and my mom. When we got there we immediately became hungry and I ended up getting something to eat for everyone with my Auntee Zee and my sister. Nia (sister) is not my bridge because she sometimes gets shy also :) We ended up having a GREAT time. We took longer than expected but, we had fun. We ended up meeting up with my cousin Shanique and her son Savion.... so it was like the more the merrier. We had so much fun just going to the store! LOL I felt calm, and comfortable. I was just being myself and not Autopilot Sade lol (I tend to get that way when nervous or uncomfortable or when I am trying to be observant) But anyway, we all meshed well, had a GREAT time at the park, and I know the real Sade is more cherished than autopilot smiley Sade. My point in this whole meditation thing is to know when and how to turn Autopilot Sade off or on. Just being more in control and at center with myself. I felt centered yesterday. Today which is day two, I used the program again the same way, and I will see how today goes :) Ta Ta for Now! Peace!

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